I want to change my name from Nicole Marie Delval to Nicolina Bella-Marie Chieffallo. How much does it cost. Im either gonna do it in the state of PA or FL, im not sure when im moving. My mom might let me do it, but we know its a lot of work....so does anyone know the price?!
thanksHow much does it cost to change your name?My husband changed his name, it cost $85 and wasn't a big deal. We live in Oregon, we just paid the fee, and then had to file papers 3 different times, like at 2 week intervals I think, for notification purposes regarding debt and whatnot.
We went to the County Clerk's office, at the courthouse, the same place we went for our marriage lisence.How much does it cost to change your name?idk but you would have to go to secratary of state to change your name. im sure its not cheap.How much does it cost to change your name?it depends on where u go to change it